We tell our own stories



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The mission

A community of creatives with a vision to tell our own stories. Thereby creating new histories, cultures, sciences and economies that speak to us.

We are all about creating artistic events and SME opportunities in the creative sector and driving job creation and employment. Our work involves us partnering with people, companies, artists and innovators that share our beliefs.

Afropolitan Explosiv is a leading provider of artistic events and cutting-edge media based in South Africa. We deliver solutions that work for our communities, using creative approaches: in audiovisual, events, entertainment and panel discussions.


Our role in society

Afropolitan Explosiv’s work helps to achieve various goals, including:

  • Africa with a strong cultural identity, common heritage, values and ethics
  • An Africa whose development is people driven, relying on the potential offered by people, especially its women and youth and caring for children

Results we bring to:

Tourism and economy

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Our partners

Become involved

Afropolitan Explosiv is a leading provider of artistic events and cutting-edge media based in South Africa. Reach out so that we can talk!

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